Intermediate HTML
Table of Contents


Glossary] [Index]

NOTE: This tutorial is the sequel to a more basic tutorial. Introduction to HTML is meant for people who don't know any HTML, so if that describes you, go there first. Intermediate HTML will still be here when you're done.



  1. Latin-1 Character Entities
    • Background
    • Text Entities
    • Numeric Entities
  2. Even More Style Tags
    • Logical Style Tags
    • Preformatted Text
  3. Even More Header Elements
    • META
  4. Forms Theory
    • Where The Data Goes...
    • No Two Names Alike
    • And Then...
    • The FORM Tag
  5. Forms: INPUT, Part I
    • INPUT
    • Text INPUT
    • Password INPUT
  6. Forms: INPUT, Part II
    • Radio Buttons
    • Checkboxes
    • Loading Your Questions
  7. Forms: SELECT
    • SELECT
    • OPTION Tags
    • The SIZE Attribute
    • The MULTIPLE Attribute
  8. Forms Cleanup
    • TEXTAREA wrap
    • INPUT Redux
    • Hidden
    • Submit and Reset
    • Speaking of Values...

 Next -- Foreword

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